If you feel annoyed by a lot of spam posts and want to unfollow or leave a Facebook group, this article will take you through how to leave a Facebook group on both desktop and mobile apps.
To leave a Facebook group on the desktop site, follow the following steps.
First, log in to your Facebook account and click on the Groups menu on the left side.
Once the group feed page is opened, find and select the group you want to leave.
After the selected Facebook group is opened, click on the three dots in the right corner, like shown in the below image.
At last, you can either unfollow or leave the Facebook group as per your wish.
To leave a Facebook group on a mobile app, first, log in to your Facebook account and click on the group icon as shown in the below image.
After the group tab is opened, click on your groups menu. There you can find the list of Facebook groups in which you are a member.
Now open the group you want to leave and click on the three dots in the top right corner, which will open the tools section.
Finally, click on the Leave Group icon to exit the Facebook group you wish to leave permanently.
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