Telegram is a cross-platform instant messaging tool available for both desktop and mobile. Telegram allows users to send messages, voice calls, video calls, change chat themes, mute notifications, and more.
But this article will mainly focus on helping people looking for options to block or unblock someone on telegram mobile app and desktop application.
1) Open the Telegram app, tap & hold the contact you want to block.
2) Now, click on the three dots icon in the top right corner and select Block user.
3) You will be asked to confirm again in a popup.
Note: In the confirm popup, delete this chat option will be checked by default. Those who don’t want to delete the chat, they can uncheck.
Follow the steps given below to view the blocked user’s list and know how to unblock them.
1) Open the telegram app, tap on the three-line bar menu icon in the top left corner, and select Settings.
2) In Settings, tap on Privacy and Security.
3) Under Privacy, tap on Blocked Users to view the list of blocked contacts.
4) Find the contact, tap on the three-dot icon and select Unblock.
While blocking a contact, if Delete this chat was unchecked, users can directly open the conversation they blocked and tap on Unblock in the textbox area.
1) Open Telegram web on your PC browser.
2) Select the contact you want to block.
3) Click on the selected contact name and tap more.
4) In more options, select Block user.
Follow the same steps given above to Unblock someone on telegram web.
1) Open the Telegram group and tap on the group name.
2) Now, tap on the contact you want to block.
3) Tap on the three-dot icon in the top right corner and select Block user.
4) Again, click on Block user in the popup to confirm.
When you block a user, the telegram will show a Delete this chat option. By default, the delete option is checked, but users can uncheck to delete the chat permanently.
When you unblock someone on telegram, they can send you direct messages, last seen is visible, and more.
Users can find out if someone has blocked them by using the following signals.
1) When you try to call a person that blocked you, the call won’t go through. You will receive a Failed to connect notification.
2) You can’t view their profile picture.
3) Their last seen will show as “last seen a long time ago.”
Right now, you don’t have an option to unblock yourself if someone has blocked you.
When you block someone on telegram, they won’t get any notification. But if the blocked user is clever enough, it is easy to find that they are blocked.
Also read:
How to Create Telegram Channel
How to Delete messages on Instagram
How to save and send GIFs on Android
How to know if someone blocked you on Discord
How to change App icons on Android