Realme C15 & C12 was launched today in India in the entry-level segment. Both the Realme C15 & Realme C12 Price is fixed to justify the bump in specs. The Specifications looks promising with massive battery and a Triple & Quad camera setup in C12 & C15 respectively.
The Realme C12 price is fixed at Rs 8,999 and the realme C15 will be available in 2 variants. The base variant price is fixed at Rs 9,999 & the second variant with higher RAM & Storage is priced at Rs 10,999.
The Realme C12 First sale starts on 24th August, 12PM and Realme C15 First Sale starts on 27th August, 12PM.
Realme C12 model comes with a 13MP AI Triple camera, which also features a 2MP close-up macro lens and a 2MP B&W Portrait lens. The camera supports 1080p video recording, Slow motion video recording and a Super Nightscape mode.
The Realme C15 is equipped with a 13MP AI Quad camera setup. The 13MP AI quad camera is capable of shooting the world in multiple perspectives from the ultra wide to the beautiful retro shots.
The Quad camera setup has a 13MP Primary camera, 119 degree Ultra Wide-angle lens, 2MP Retro lens and a 2MP Portrait lens. Same as C12, C15 also supports 1080p video recording, super Nightscape and Slow motion video recording.
The Realme C12 will be available in 3GB RAM & 32GB storage.
Realme C15 will be available in 3GB RAM & 32GB storage and a 4GB RAM & 64GB storage.
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